Ron Palillo,At 14, Ron Palillo started his own summer theater in Cheshire, Connecticut. His parents,Gabriel and Carmel Palillo,were surprised when the summer theater actually made money. After graduating from high school, Ron went to the University of Connecticut at Storrs, where he majored in drama. He appeared in many school plays in college.
- 别 名
- Ron Paolillo
- 出生日期
- 1949-04-02
- 出生地
- 美国,康涅狄格州,柴郡
- 逝世日期
- 2012-08-14
- 身 份
- 演员 | 编剧
- 性 别
- 男
- 身 高
- 170cm
- 星 座
- 白羊座