B.R. Chopra,One of India's most respected film personalities, Baldev Raj Chopra (better known as B.R. Chopra) has been an architect of what is now known as the golden era of the Bollywood industry. Having converted offbeat stories into immortal classics like Waqt (1965) and Naya Daur (1957), he commands high regard in the world film fraternity. B.R.
- 别 名
- Baldev Raj Chopra
- 出生日期
- 1914-04-22
- 出生地
- 印度,旁遮普邦,卢迪亚纳
- 逝世日期
- 2008-11-05
- 身 份
- 制片人 | 导演 | 编剧
- 星 座
- 金牛座