Brian Connelly,Growing up in the Midwest, Brian spent more than a decade as a competitive gymnast. In the course of his martial arts studies, Brian met up with John Hicks Pearce of the Chicago Stunt Team, who gave him his start on his career in stunt work. Brian is the director and co-founder of Asylum Stunts in Chicago.
- 出生日期
- 1966-06-23
- 出生地
- 美国,伊利诺伊州,芝加哥
- 身 份
- 演员
- 身 高
- 175cm
- 星 座
- 巨蟹座
第16届-电影最佳特技群戏(提名)《公众之敌》 2009 / 饰:Office Chester Boyard