Shantaram Rajaram Vankudre,Rajaram has been married twice. His second marriage was to actress Jayashree. Jayashree passed away on the 19th of October, 2004 in Bombay, at the age of 84. Jayashree and Rajaram are survived by their son, Kiran Shantaram, former Sheriff of Bombay, and daughter, Rajashree, well-known former Bollywood actress.
- 别 名
- V. Shantaram,Vankudre Shantaram,Shantaram,Rajaram Vankudre
- 出生日期
- 1901-11-18
- 出生地
- 印度,马哈拉施特拉邦,Kolhapur
- 逝世日期
- 1990-10-30
- 身 份
- 导演 | 演员 | 制片人 | 编剧 | 剪辑师
- 性 别
- 男
- 星 座
- 天蝎座
第8届-国际奖-最佳电影(提名)《Shakuntala》 1947
第8届-国际奖-最佳电影(提名)《考特尼斯医生的旅程》 1947 / 饰:Dwarkanath Kotnis
第6届-墨索里尼杯-最佳国际电影(提名)《Duniya Na Mane》 1937
第4届-墨索里尼杯-最佳国际电影(提名)《Amar Jyoti》 1936
第8届-Silver Berlin Bear —— Special Prize《一对眼睛,十二双手》 1957 / 饰:Adinath, the young warden (as V. Shantaram)
第8届-OCIC Award《一对眼睛,十二双手》 1957 / 饰:Adinath, the young warden (as V. Shantaram)
第8届-金熊奖-最佳纪录片《一对眼睛,十二双手》 1957 / 饰:Adinath, the young warden (as V. Shantaram)
第8届-金熊奖-最佳影片(提名)《一对眼睛,十二双手》 1957 / 饰:Adinath, the young warden (as V. Shantaram)