汤米·斯提尔,Tommy Steele had tried many odd jobs before he turned up at the famous "2 I's" coffee bar in London. There he was "discovered" by Larry Parnes and became one of Britain's first manufactured pop stars. With his cheeky grin and gently rocking songs he wasn't the threat to Elvis Presley that Parnes wanted.
- 别 名
- Thomas Hicks
- 出生日期
- 1936-12-17
- 出生地
- 英国,伦敦,伯蒙德
- 身 份
- 演员 | 编剧
- 性 别
- 男
- 身 高
- 170cm
- 星 座
- 射手座
第25届-最佳男新人(提名)《百万家财》 1967 / 饰:John Lawless