It all starts in Hong Kong. Al Monks, theoretically the Cultural and Commercial Attaché of the American Consulat is in reality a CIA-man. One day, he lays his hands on a list containing all the names of Chinese Nationalist agents working undercover in Red China. In stead of bringing it to his "Consul", he strikes a deal with the Italian Mafia organization Gamma. In exchange for money, and a new name -he wants to divorce his wife, who doesn't want to let him go- he will bring Gamma the list. The Mob offers him 200 000 $ and proposes the killing of his twin brother Domeinico Le Monaco in Italy. Monks' twin brother was working for Gamma, but became dispensable, so the Mafia kills him as part of the deal. At more or less the same time, at the other side of the world, Monks kills someone who resembles him vaguely. He puts the body in his own car, and makes sure that the hands of the dead body are burned. His girlfriend Karin Foster reinforces the cover up, by claiming that the unidentifiable body found in the car is indeed Monks'. The real Monks disappears to Italy, and takes the place of his twin brother Le Monaco, killed by Gamma. Soon he's joined by his lovey dovey Karin . Still following or is a drawing already needed ? The CIA sends special agent Bill Howard to investigate things in Hong Kong. Howard soon discovers that the body -supposedly Monks'- isn't his. He knew Monks in Korea, and a tattoo from 1945 draws his attention. He finds out the real Monks has slipped to Italy, and he gets after him. Monks/Le Monaco finds out that Gamma can get 5 mio. $ for the list, and insists in getting 1 mio. in stead of 200 000 $. So, now we have the Red Chinese angry with Gamma, and Gamma and the CIA are both trying to capture Monks and the list.
Margaret Lhy
饰:Novia de Bill en avión -
Paolo Gozlino
饰:Bill Howard -
Betsy Bell
饰:Virna Montesse -
Rubén Rojo
饰:Al Monks

Margaret Lhy
饰:Novia de Bill en avión -
Paolo Gozlino
饰:Bill Howard -
Betsy Bell
饰:Virna Montesse -
Rubén Rojo
饰:Al Monks -
饰:Karin Foster -
饰:Mike Russo -
José Marco
饰:Don Pietro Salminci -
Mario Donen
饰:Max Cargo -
Marisol Ayuso
饰:Sonya -
Julio Pérez Tabernero
饰:'Central de Milán',(as Julio P. Tabernero) -
Francisco Sánchez
饰:Cónsul Harry Jones -
Fajda Nicol
饰:Fajda,(as Faida Nichols) -
Emilio Rodríguez
饰:Agente de la CIA en Hong Kong -
Rufino Inglés
饰:Dueño albergue -
Mery Leyva
饰:Clelia -
Elisabetta Wu
饰:Azafata,(as Elizabeth Wu)
Giovanni Scolaro
Enrique Urrutia
Enrique Urrutia
Ángel María Baltanás
Manuel de Juan
Mari Ángeles Herranz
Celia Honrubia
Luis María Lasala
Josefina Ragel
Carlos Revilla
María Luisa Rubio
Ana María Saizar
Manuel Torremocha
Joaquín Vidriales