猫眼电影 > 电影 > 哪个方式是中国


2015年3月,澳大利亚传奇噪音朋克/合成器朋克先驱 Primitive Calculators 在中国进行了半个月的巡演,随行的两位电影人 Jake Lloyd Jones 和 Thomas Hyland 为这次巡演拍摄了纪录片。 这支组建于1970年代末期的乐队在造访中国时已是老人了,在巡演路上他们和很多年轻的中国摇滚乐队/实验音乐人同台,电影捕捉到了这些有趣的瞬间。 Feature length documentary on the Chinese Indie Music scene. When Australian film makers Jake Lloyd Jones and Thomas Hyland went to Chi na to document the underground music scene in the People’s Republic they had no idea of the rich and diverse musical melting pot they were about to lift the lid on. Their finished documentary takes you on a raucous journey through a booming young and vibrant underground that is flourishing under the newly relaxed cultural policies of the Chinese Government. Accompanied by the legendary Melbourne noise/funk band, Primitive Calculators, the documentary is a roller coaster ride through a fresh and emerging scene that has abruptly combined the influences of 50 years of Western Rock, devoured in one enormous, culture shattering hit. As Dr Stuart Grant, lead singer of the Primitive Calculators says in the documentary, “The cream rises to the top, and China is a particularly large puddle of cream” Which Way is China’s pulsating musical score is accompanied by a firework display of exploding old clichés. China is changing at break neck pace and no one knows what the future holds. Chinese musicians also face unique challenges that their counterparts in Australia could never imagine.

