Álvaro Buela,He was born in 1961 at Durazno, Uruguay. He is a journalist, university professor and filmmaker. In 1986 he obtained a Bachelors degree in Psychology at the University of the Republic of Uruguay, but worked instead as a journalist. He belonged to the editorial board of the El País newspaper Cultural Magazine between 1994 and 2002.
- 出生日期
- 1961-09-08
- 出生地
- 乌拉圭,杜拉斯诺
- 身 份
- 导演 | 编剧
- 星 座
- 处女座
第20届-Best Spanish Language Foreign Film (Mejor Película Extranjera de Habla Hispana)(提名)《Alma mater》 2005
第52届-Casa de América Award《Alma mater》 2005